

The Evolution of Healthcare: Anticipated AI Trends for 2024

In the realm of healthcare, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing traditional practices and reshaping the landscape of medical innovation. As we step further into 2024, the role of AI in healthcare is poised to undergo significant transformations, heralding a new era of efficiency, efficacy, and accuracy in patient care. This article will delve into the current state of AI in healthcare, explore future trends, and unlock the potential of DocBox Solutions in shaping the future of healthcare.

1. Current state

Innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are driving a transformative wave across various industries, including healthcare, which could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

According to Statista, in 2021 a global survey revealed that approximately one-fifth of healthcare organizations were at the early stages of adopting AI models, indicating that their models had been operational for less than two years. Less than ten percent of healthcare organizations had embraced AI for over five years. The predominant AI software utilized in healthcare today revolves around the extraction and integration of healthcare data from text based clinical notes using natural language processing (NLP). However there is an inherent error caused by the misinterpretation of notes by the NLP processing, which may lead to patient care issues. Among organizations at a mature stage of adoption, clinicians and providers were the primary intended users of AI. However, a significant portion, around 60 percent, believed that patients should also have access to the AI technologies being implemented.

With AI’s ability to replicate and even surpass human capabilities in terms of speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness, its prominence in healthcare is rapidly growing. However the quality of the AI decision making ability is totally dependent on the quality of the data and patient population on which the AI algorithms were built, and the quality of the data that is fed into an AI model for patient care decision making purposes. The increasing prevalence of AI and robotics in this sector underscores the ongoing evolution towards more efficient and innovative healthcare solutions. The future of AI in healthcare is poised for continued advancements and breakthroughs.

2. Future trends to look out 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the future of healthcare, promising remarkable potential to enhance outcomes and revolutionize the industry. Let’s explore the top AI trends that are poised to make a significant impact, reported by Reuters.

AI-Enabled Reduction of Administrative Burdens

Jared Antczak, Chief Digital Officer at Sanford Health, predicted that AI technologies are expected to make the biggest impact in reducing administrative burdens and improving employee satisfaction by enabling healthcare staff to work differently. AI-enabled technologies will gradually start to improve clinical workflows in a safe and responsible way, allowing clinicians to focus on more meaningful patient-centered services.

Generative AI and Ethical AI Use

Sara Vaezy, EVP and Chief Strategy & Digital Officer at Providence, stated that generative AI will become fast-paced and ubiquitous, with clinicians leading the charge in ensuring the ethical use of AI. Deep investments in IT infrastructure and digital technology have laid the groundwork for rapid innovation and deployment of generative AI solutions that better support both patients and caregivers. Within the healthcare environment, clinicians will serve as stewards of the process, advocating for patients and prioritizing governance to safeguard patient data and privacy.

AI for Personalized Healthcare

Sunil Dadlani, Chief Information & Digital Transformation Officer at Atlantic Health System, mentioned that AI and machine learning will increasingly enable more personalized healthcare, tailoring treatments and medical advice to individual patient genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. This could lead to more effective treatment plans and better health outcomes, including early interventions and preventive care with higher accuracy and speed.

AI Governance and Regulation

Jared Antczak, Chief Digital Officer at Sanford Health, predicted that healthcare organizations will establish governance practices and standards to self-regulate the development and deployment of AI in responsible, ethical, safe, and secure ways. There will likely be continued evolution in regulations governing digital health, including data privacy, telehealth, and cross-border healthcare services related to the use of AI.

AI Support for Healthcare Providers

Ashok Chennuru, Global Chief Data & Insights Officer at Elevance Health, stated that AI has the potential to provide much-needed support for nurses, case managers, and other providers to help them deliver higher quality healthcare services. As the use of AI becomes more prevalent in healthcare, it is increasingly important to ensure that it is used in a trustworthy, explainable, transparent, and fair way.

3. DocBox Clinician Assistant in Critical Care: Unlock the future of healthcare 

At DocBox, we’re committed to harnessing this potential to drive positive change within the industry.  We understand that AI is only as good as the quality and appropriateness of context of the data that is used in the development of the AI model and used as inputs for a given patient.  As a trusted provider of machine learning and AI and solutions, we specialize in choosing appropriate models to enhance the patient care experience, assist administration, boost revenue, and reduce overhead costs.

Our dedicated team of experts has developed innovative AI solutions specifically designed to address the unique challenges encountered in healthcare. By partnering with DocBox and choosing the Clinician Assistant in Critical Care, medical professionals can leverage advanced technologies to effectively collect, manage and use healthcare data . Our AI solutions automate record-keeping processes, ensuring accuracy, accessibility, and compliance with industry standards.

At DocBox, we prioritize patient care and outcomes. Our cutting-edge AI models empower medical professionals to make informed decisions, optimize treatment plans, reduce workload and deliver personalized care to each patient. Join us as we unlock the full potential of AI to revolutionize healthcare practices and enhance patient outcomes.

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